Letter from Ralph Vaughan Williams to Gilbert Murray

Letter No. VWL340

Letter from Ralph Vaughan Williams to Gilbert Murray

Letter No.: VWL340

13 Cheyne Walk

Oct 12th [1911]

Dear Professor Murray

Thank you very much for your kind letter and for all the much too kind things you say in it. Of course there is nothing I should like better than to be associated in such a production as you foreshadow – however problematical it may be.
I have had several shots at some Electra music and have found the task much harder than I thought – I cannot make up my mind what sort of music wd be the best and naturally until I can do that the music itself refuses to come. However your letter has excited me so that I believe my imagination is beginning to work. I should much like to have a talk with Mr Duncan1 & am writing to him – I believe that if he has any very definite ideas it might set me moving.2
Yours very sincerely

R. Vaughan Williams

1.  Augustin Duncan, the actor.
2. On VW’s incidental music for The Electra, The Bacchae and Iphigenia in Tauris see Catalogue of Works, 1911/4.