Letter from Ralph Vaughan Williams to Isidore Schwiller

Letter No. VWL4775

Letter from Ralph Vaughan Williams to Isidore Schwiller

Letter No.: VWL4775

The White Gates, Dorking

Sunday [1949?]

Dear Isidore
I did not know you were running a quartet of your own and I expect you would like to bring it and I shall be quite happy over that.  However, of the names you suggest they are all good, but Jean Stewart is probably too occupied with domesticity to want to come – at all events if she does come she must not bring her husband1 and baby.  We have only just room for the essential peeople and singers and simply cannot find space for husbands and babies.  Other names from from2 the LHMC list are Veronica Gotch, viola and Eileen McCarthy cello.  There is also Mrs Marsden cello but she is an amateur though just as good as any professional, but she has not been well lately.  Anyhow you might not think ait a good plan to mix the brew.
Now – one more point!  Our pfte is slightly flat.  Could you bear to tune down to it, or must I get in another pfte?
With fond regards to Mrs Schwiller
R Vaughan Williams

1.  George Dickinson Hadley.
2.  sic.