Letter from Ralph Vaughan Williams to Diana Awdry

Letter No. VWL1035

Letter from Ralph Vaughan Williams to Diana Awdry

Letter No.: VWL1035

The White Gates,
Westcott Road,

[early February 1933]

My Dear Child –

How could I be annoyed with you – it’s only my laziness in not answering sooner – disgraceful of me – so don’t be foolish any more – you know I love to do things for you.
The only difficulty is I must be in London on the 4th to hear Napier Miles’1  piece – the question is can I get down in time on the morning of the 5th – I don’t know how early I start.
Lady G.2 sent me a v. kind wire about the concerto3 – It went well I think – but nobody seemed to like it much – indeed one man hissed!
It will be lovely seeing you in March.
Love from

Uncle Ralph

1. It is not clear which work was to be performed.  See R.V.W.: a biography, pp.109-110.
2. Lady Adeline Goodrich, widow of Sir James Goodrich, was a neighbour of Diana Awdry in Stinchcombe.
3. Concerto in C major for Pianoforte and Orchestra, Catalogue of Works 1931/3, first performed at Queen’s Hall on 1 February 1933 by Harriet Cohen, the dedicatee.