Letter from Ralph Vaughan Williams to Roy Douglas

Letter No. VWL2761

Letter from Ralph Vaughan Williams to Roy Douglas

Letter No.: VWL2761

10, Hanover Terrace, N.W.1.

January 26th 1954

Dear Roy,
 I return it by registered post. Your queries I hope all answered. With regard to “unto them” in number 8, I find that geniuses jump, and I find that your solution is exactly the same as the one I had already thought of.
 Now, as regards stage directions, I have annotated your ideas: my only difference is that in nine cases out of ten the trebles will sing with the choir as well as singing their own part, so we will cut out all references to “trebles sit”.
 Now one more verbal correction I am ashamed to say, my fault entirely this time. In No. 12 portals (plural) not portal (singular).
 Would you like to send me your account up to date?


1. Douglas was preparing the score of This Day (Hodie).