Letter from Ralph Vaughan Williams to Alan Frank (OUP)

Letter No. VWL2937

Letter from Ralph Vaughan Williams to Alan Frank (OUP)

Letter No.: VWL2937

The White Gates,

22nd. December, 1948.

Dear Frank,

As regards the Lengnick publication – if I write them a theme I think it should be anonymous, like the variations, but if I put my name to it I could hardly say that it was by your leave. As you know, I have never had any exclusive contract with O.U.P. Years ago Humphrey Milford and I made a “Gentleman’s agreement” that I would offer the Press first choice of all my works. I have stuck to that loyally and intend to do so as long as you want the works, and I will gladly acknowledge this in some way if my name appears on the theme – but the Press cannot demand it of me.1

R. Vaughan Williams

1.  See VWL2936, replying to which Frank had said that if VW’s contribution to the series of variations was not anonymous Lengnick’s would have to include an acknowledgement that VW’s contribution was made ‘by arrangement with the Oxford University Press’. VW’s sharp response was quite correct – no  general contract existed between OUP and VW, although he took the commitment arising from their ‘Gentlemen’s Agreement’ seriously (for example see VWL3180).