Letter from Ralph Vaughan Williams to Grace Williams

Letter No. VWL3896

Letter from Ralph Vaughan Williams to Grace Williams

Letter No.: VWL3896

The White Gates,
Westcott Road,


Dearest Grace
I like those songs.
I believe I like No 2 (my complaining) best. I’ve made one or 2 suggestions. In No 3. I should prefer the voice not to repeat the last words – but just let pfte finish without the voice
I wish I had time to look at your ‘Veni Emmanuel’ variations1 – also the 5tet 2 – I am glad you haven’t discarded your ‘first period’ work. I’ve just been looking through Kochel to see if the Mozart D minor concerto has already been done for vln – but apparently not – so you are safe.
Take care of yourself bathing dear Grace – we don’t want to lose you.
Alas I can’t go to Betty’s wedding [it] is in Ireland & I shall have to content myself with a telegram3
Let me know when you come back to London. I am longing to meet you & hear all about your adventures4
Love from
Uncle Ralph

1. Variations For String Quartet (“Veni Emmanuel”)
2. Phantasy quintet, for piano and string quartet
3. Elizabeth Maconchy was to marry William LeFanu in August 1930.
4. Presumably written to Williams while she was studying in Vienna.